Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Released in 1996 on the Splurt label

Track Listing

Godnose - Clubbed Senseless
The Dates - Stamp Out Techno
Snappahead - Citizen Cone
Scrumfeeder - Gaffney
Albacore - Fire In The Sky
Dr Verne - Chopper
Grief - Moment Of Clarity
Bantha Fodder - Dark By Demand
Crazy Alice - Grind
Girls Germs - The Door
Zygote - Blame It On You
Baywatch - Song About Boonie
Heff Yobette - I Wanna Lick Your Bum
Dregs Of Humanity - State Worse Than Death (Disagfect)/Fuck You I'm Punk (Destroy)
Vegetable Etiquette - No. 3
John Lee Spider - Improvised Live-To-Air On 4ZZZ FM
Ptenca - Sloth
Blowhard - Fuck The Dance Clubs (Live)
Stan - Fucker

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